Scripted Demo Development
Let's get that demo consistent, so the messaging is dead on, EVERYTIME!
- Powerpoint Slides
- Real Enterprise Use Cases
- Full Script (recorded and annotated)
Proof Of Value Playbooks
You can test anyone's product, but it doesn't do you any good if you can't map your product to real customer pain points which can be translated to success criteria and milestones. Let's build that for you, and break it down by vertical.
Sales Engineering Maturity Model
Your sales engineering team is typically a mixture of well-seasoned and respected talent, and newer or fresher faces to the role of being a trusted advisor and consultant to your customers. Here at OnDeck SE, we focus on assessing and training your SE team to develop proven approaches to weaving in and out of being overly technical, vs being high-level and business intelligent. Demo skills, consultative approach, and ability to identify opportunities are all part of the balancing act of being both SALES and ENGINEER.
Reach out for more information on our Sales Engineering Framwork, training schedules and launch date.
POV Intelligence & Analytics
On Deck SE provides custom tools for analysis of complex POV data. This tool provides Sales and Sales Engineering
Management with the vital data points to maintaining healthy Proof Of Values, which can shed light on signs such as customer dis-engagement, customer use-metrics, success tracking, competitive insight and cautionary POV timeline and milestone adjustments. This, while customized, tool development saves organizations thousands of dollars by identifying potential risks in the Technical Win stage of a POV.